Monday, 25 November 2019

An American Muscle-Car by Lesney - The Mercury Cougar

This is an iconic American muscle car from the sixties which has been produced by numerous model factories, just like the Lesney Products. This model was a very succesful one, with the opening doors and the SuperFast wheels.

My model was not very shabby, but I decided to refresh it. The original colour was pale metallic yellow-green...

but I preferred this light blue colour:

 And the, I made a custom G-type box for it:

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Is Your Computer Out Of Order? Call The Computer Service!

I made a non-stop computer service truck from the MB-68 Lesney-made Matchbox Chevy Van. The original colour was OK, I painted it the same colour.

It got new wheels as well, because I didn"t like the original different wheels.

I designed new stickers with graphics of a non stop computer service:

At the end it got a new, custom box, too!

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Never Been in Production - The Lamborghini Marzal

It is very interesting why had the model factorys chosen cars that have never been in production, just like the futuristic Lamborghini Marzal. The two-seated Miura was a hit, and the Lamborghini wanted to design a four-seat luxury sport car, too. But at the end only one Marzal had been made, a prototype.

There are still much species of ths Matchbox-made Marzal even today, so it is not a rare model.

A Luxury Car From Pieces - Lamborghini Miura

This is a nice Matchbox SuperFast model from Lesney, I like it very much.

The last year I found a Miura model in a very poor condition at a börse. I bought it and just another one, too, because the first car had both of the opening doors, but the second car had a good windscreen. The chassis had to be built from two pieces... So it was just like a puzzle game to get one car from two; let alone the fact, that the wheels had to be replaced!

I wanted to give it another colour, not the original one; so the new colour is a light greyish metallic blue.