Friday, 22 March 2019

Fleur Boutique: Matchbox Lesney MB-06 Ford Pick-up

Sometimes I buy cars not for restoration, not for my collection, but for spare parts. This happened to this RW Ford pick-up truck, because I needed its windscreen and interieur. It had no radiator grills and the canopy was missing, too. But when I had the chance to get that radiator, I decided to renew it, in bright yellow colour with red windscreen (from another Ford F-100 Pick-up)! This Ford was not for my collection, but for sale.

Even another identity should be given. Having got no canopy, it should deliver something... But what? First I tried with small boxes or barrels, but they didn't really fit to the cargo hold, so I had to go on with the ideas.

Later I found bigger open boxes in HO scale, three of them exactly fit into the space. I thought, it will deliver flowers!

And then the truck got unique stickers, so everyone knew, that it works for Jane's Fleur Boutique!

And it was soon

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