Saturday, 23 March 2019

New Skin: Matchbox Lesney MB-09 AMX Javelin

My next car for restoraton was a Lesney-made AMX Javelin. I was lucky, I coud get a good one, all of its parts were alright, even the towing hook (which was generally cut off, seems to me that children about 45 years ago didn't really like it), so it needed only a repaint. This car was also for sale.

I gave it a nice metallic blue, slighter darker, then it was originally and yellow-red stripes throughout the whole body, in style of the seventies.

At the end I got bright red plastic stickers, which are very alike to the rear lamps of the big cars, so I cut small pieces of it and put the onto the rear side of the car.

Just it became very realistic with that.

And it had no much time to relax on my shelf, it was

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