Thursday, 21 March 2019

My hobby

Thank you for visiting this site! If you are a model car fan, you might be interested in my posts about restoration or custmization of old Matchbox (and other) cars. I have got my own collection (which may also content restored cars), but most of them are in good condition and have their boxes, too. My beloved periods are the G-box (1970-71) and the L-box (1978-82). I don't collect all models of these periods, only those which I really like.

And there are some other - non Matchbox-made cars -, like the French Majorette and the British Corgi Juniors, German SIKU, American Hot Wheels, Chinese Maisto and other noname ones.

Although I made some restorations about 15 years ago, I started the regular restorarion as a hobby only since 2018.

Sometimes the repainted cars got back their original colour, other times I give them individial colours or customize them a little-bit with new stickers. 

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